Way back in 2013 Instagram introduced direct messaging, called Instagram Direct, to the popular photo-sharing platform. In that iteration, direct messaging, or DMing, had to include a picture taken and edited in the Instagram app. Due to popular demand, Instagram now offers text-only direct messaging, which is really convenient for individuals who not only use the app to create, share, and explore photography, but also as an easy way to stay in touch with friends without switching to another platform or messaging app. Did you know that not only can you direct message friends on Instagram, you can also dm groups of friends? Let's get started learning how to create group conversations with or without pictures in Instagram on your iPhone.
The 2018 Winter Olympics are approaching quickly, and this year promises to be an excellent one for live coverage of both the opening ceremony and athletic events. South Korea bid to host Winter Olympics XXIII all the way back in 2009, and has been planning and building for the event even before receiving news of their winning proposal in 2011. Olympics preparations are doubtless reaching fever pitch at NBC, this year's Olympics broadcaster, as well. After all, the 2018 Winter Olympics will be the largest ever—eighty nations (with the notable exclusion of Russia due to their shameful doping scandal) competing in fifteen different sports at 102 events in twelve different venues! NBC has a lot on their plate with their plans to live stream these winter games, for sure! Winter Olympics fans without cable won't have quite as many plans to make, but we will need to think ahead about how to stream our favorite events and games. Let's get started learning about the NBC Olympics schedule, and how to live stream NBC Olympics coverage to our Apple TVs.
How to Easily Delete All Contacts on iPhone
By Conner Carey
So you want to know how to delete all contacts on your iPhone; well you’ve come to the right place. Apple certainly doesn’t make deleting all of your contacts a straightforward process. But there are a couple ways you can delete all of your contacts. However, if you’re simply trying to delete multiple contacts from your iPhone, we have an article on that specifically. Here, we’ll cover how you can delete all of your contacts from iPhone. To erase all your contacts, we’ll use a work-around involving iCloud. If you’ve landed on this article because you’re going to give your iPhone away or sell it, you should completely reset your iPhone instead. But if you want to know how to delete all contacts, keep reading.
How to Remove the U2 Album from iPhone in 2018
By Conner Carey
How to Remove U2 Album on iPhone:
- Visit: https://itunes.com/soi-remove.
- Click Remove Album.
- Sign in with your Apple ID and password.
- A confirmation page will let you know that you’ve removed the U2 album from your library.
- You may still see the album in your iTunes library. The confirmation page suggests signing out of iTunes and back in. You can also select the songs, right click, and select Delete from Library.
This will remove the U2 album from your iTunes library; the next part will show you how to delete the U2 album off your phone as well.
How to Delete or Deactivate an Instagram Account
By Conner Carey
There is a big difference between deleting and disabling your Instagram account. If you want to delete your Instagram account, it’s actually quite easy to do. But when you delete Instagram, you permanently delete Instagram; that account is gone forever. If you just want to take a break or see how it would feel to delete Instagram, you also have the option to deactivate your Instagram, which is also known as temporarily disabling your Instagram account. When you deactivate your Instagram, you always have the option of re-activating your Instagram account in the future. However, if you’re certain you want to permanently delete your account (or delete a second Instagram account), we’ll show you how to quit Instagram. Here’s how to delete an Instagram account, or just temporarily disable Instagram via deactivation.
Tagging someone on Instagram is pretty straightforward. If you’re viewing an Instagram photo you really like that you want to share with a friend, you can simply tag them in the comments and they'll receive a notification. But did you know you can also send an Instagram picture as a dm, or direct message? If you choose this option, it's more private because you don't have to mention them in the public comments. Let's learn how to direct message a picture on Instagram, or how to just tag someone on an Instagram photo without sending them a dm.
How to Delete Instead of Archive Your Emails on iPhone
By Leanne Hays
Email inboxes fill up quickly, and it's easy to get overwhelmed by the ever-increasing pile of unopened messages in your inbox. That's why it's so helpful to be able to check your email on your iPhone; even a few minutes of deleting emails here and there can make a big difference. If you've connected your Gmail account to the iOS mail app on your iPhone you may have noticed that the option to delete isn't offered by the iOS mail app. Instead, you're given three choices: Mark, Move, or Archive. Where do archived emails go? Choosing archive means the email will be moved out of your inbox and sent to an archive folder, but it's still available if you want to open or re-read it later. So many emails don't even need to be read a first time, though, much less archived! It's time to learn how to delete google emails on iPhone, rather than archiving them. Inbox zero, here we come!
How to Get the PayPal App for iPad: iPhone Apps for iPad
By Leanne Hays
PayPal is a service that allows users to enter their credit or debit card information, then use the PayPal platform to quickly receive and make payments and send money in an encrypted, secure fashion. A top platforms for secure online payments since 1998, PayPal's convenience and security currently serves over 218 million active accounts. PayPal has never suffered a major data breach, and innovates continually to stay ahead of hackers and identity thieves. It makes sense then, that Apple customers would want a PayPal app for their devices. While PayPal rolled out an iPhone app years ago, iPad users are still wondering when a PayPal app for iPad is coming. After all, the larger screen size of an iPad would be much better for reviewing transactions and updating information than squinting at a small iPhone screen. Let's learn how to get the PayPal app for iPad!
Do you feel like you're in a musical rut and wishing for a way to discover new songs, artists, and playlists? With iOS 11, Apple Music is finally getting social, and it's the perfect way to find new music and broaden your auditory horizons. It works like this, if you have friends who also use Apple Music, you can now follow each other. Once you find and connect with friends on Apple Music you can explore what they're listening to and make your playlists public on your profile so they can do the same. Let the cross-pollination begin! Apple Music will use also your iPhone’s contacts to find other friends who are using Apple Music and recommend that you follow them. You can connect your Apple Music profile to Facebook and Instagram as well, so that it can offer more recommendations from your social media friends. Let's get started using Apple Music to find new friends, new music, new music friends, you get the idea. Here’s how to find and follow friends on Apple Music with iOS 11 on iPhone.
More than 160 million people use Snapchat every day, and developers keep rolling out new, versatile features to keep Snap fresh. Whether you want to use Snapchat to send a photo, video, or message to one friend or to a whole group of followers, live video chat, or discover short-form content from publishers and celebrities, there's a lot to keep you connected and engaged. Beyond that, Snapchat allows users to send and receive money through Snapcash, create avatars, augment content with filters and AR lenses, stickers, and a drawing feature, and share locations for still shots and live chat. Formerly a non-archival platform, Snapchat now allows users to save photos and videos, called snaps, with their Memories feature. A frustration many Snapchat users share is the inability to download Snap for iPad. Snapchat for iPhone is super convenient, but when you have the ability to use an iPad, it sure would be great to have a larger drawing surface so you can add more detail to your still shots and filters, and have more screen space to explore Stories. Although Snapchat for iPad is not officially available, there's an easy trick to install Snapchat on iPad. Let's get started learning how to get Snapchat on iPad!
Signal: How to Get the Encrypted Chat App for Your iPad
By Leanne Hays
Signal is a privacy app that uses end-to-end encryption for individual and group texts, videos, documents, voice, and picture messaging. Open Whisper, Signal's parent company, produced Signal using grants and donations, utilizing Open Source software, with the aim of providing a free and secure platform for worldwide communication, without SMS or MMS fees—this even includes free long-distance calls to anyone, anywhere in the world who also has the Signal app! No one at Signal or anywhere else can read or view communications on the platform, they can only be viewed by the individual user, who can also choose when each message will disappear. Since the whole point of an encrypted communication app is to ensure privacy, Signal is free of tracking, affiliate marketers, and ads. Signal uses your existing address book and phone number, and will only allow you to register one mobile device, so you'll need to choose if you want to use your iPhone or iPad. Getting Signal on your iPhone is free and easy, it pops right up in the App Store, but Signal for iPad is a bit more complicated. Read on to learn how to get Signal on your iPad!
Can't Sleep? The Sleep Genius App Is Here to Help
By Leanne Hays
All of us have had to plow through at least one difficult day of school or work after a less-than-optimal night of sleep, or even an all nighter. But what happens when a rough night becomes the norm? The Centers for Disease Control collects data about the sleep habits of Americans, and reports that one in three of us are getting fewer than the recommended seven hours of sleep per night. Whether you can't fall asleep, can't stay asleep, or both, insomnia is not only miserable, but bad for your health. I'm one of those insomniacs that can't stay asleep; waking up more nights than not after only about four hours of shut-eye, and not being able to drift off again for at least an hour or two. If you're like me, and have spent many wakeful hours wishing you could just relax and sleep, it's time to find some help. While relaxing bedtime routines, meditation for sleep, natural insomnia remedies, calming teas, and even sleeping pills can help, there's one more thing I think you should try: a sleep app for your iPhone! I tried Sleep Genius for two weeks, and am still using it every night. Sleep Genius is a sleep app that combines soothing sleep music, a gentle alarm, a relaxation program for anxiety at any time, and even a power nap feature! Read on to learn more about Sleep Genius, and why I think you should give this sleep app a home on your iPhone.
Where is AirDrop in iOS 11?
By Conner Carey
Before iOS 11 changed the layout of Control Center, the AirDrop options were clearly visible within Control Center. With iOS 11, AirDrop is still there but hidden. If you’re wondering what happened to AirDrop, we’ll help you locate it. AirDrop in Control Center is where you choose who can find you and send you things via AirDrop. Of course, even if anyone can find you, you still have the option to decline. But it’s good to know where AirDrop has disappeared to in Control Center with iOS 11. Here’s how to find AirDrop in iOS 11 on iPhone.
How to Shoot Clearer, Better Photos on Your iPhone
By Rheanne Taylor
I’ve heard it said over and over again that the best camera is the one you have with you. Honestly, I couldn’t agree more. I have an amazing DSLR and yet I find that the majority of my pictures are taken with my iPhone. Unfortunately, our iPhones still struggle in a lot of ways that more advanced cameras don’t. One of those ways is the iPhone’s intolerance for low-light situations. If you’re sick of blurry, unclear images, then here are a few tips and tricks that have really helped me out. Here’s how to shoot clearer, better photos on your iPhone.
Qi charging, wireless charging, inductive charging... whatever you call it, it's fast becoming a must-have feature in the smart phone world. Apple's latest three iPhone offerings, the 8, 8 Plus, and X, are all Qi enabled and can charge their batteries at the wireless charging stations that are popping up everywhere from airports to coffee shops. There's even a free app, Aircharge Qi, that lets iPhone users know where their nearest Qi charging station is! The versatility and convenience offered by electromagnetic charging isn't just for the latest iPhones, though. If you have an older iPhone and want to get on the wireless charging bandwagon, there's more than one way to Qi-enable your pre-iPhone 8 device. Choices include wireless charging cases, and a variety of wireless charging receiver cards, stickers, and patches; and remember, if you're going to buy a Qi-enabling accessory for your device, you'll also need a Qi charging pad. Let's get started going over your options to get wireless charging on your older iPhone.
How to Watch Amazon Prime on Apple TV with the Prime Video App
By Todd Bernhard
Apple CEO Tim Cook had an exciting announcement at the Worldwide Developers Conference this year; an Amazon Prime Video app would soon be coming to Apple TV. Six months later, it's finally happened; the Amazon Prime Video app is ready to download and use with your Apple TV. This marks the official end of Amazon's refusal to cooperate with Apple in facilitating streaming for Amazon Prime tv shows and movies on Apple TV. Why wouldn't Amazon allow a video app for Amazon Prime customers on Apple TV up until now? Well, Amazon competes with Apple, not just in devices like the Kindle Fire versus the Apple iPad but in selling and streaming media. Up until a few months ago Amazon wouldn't even sell Apple TVs on their platform! But now it appears the ice has not only cracked but melted altogether, and Amazon is streaming favorites like The Man in the High Castle, Vikings, and The Tick for Apple TV at last. So let's take advantage of this truce and learn how to watch Amazon Prime on Apple TV with the official Amazon Prime Video app.
How to Go to Home Screen on iPhone X
By Conner Carey
Without a Home button, how do you go back to Home screen from within an app on the iPhone X? Using gestures. A simple swipe up from the horizontal bar at the bottom will do the trick. iPhone Home screen has been around forever; we’re just accustomed to going back to Home screen by using the Home button. This is one of those things you’ll have to get used to with the iPhone X, but I promise it doesn’t take long for the new method to become intuitive. If you’re having trouble figuring out how to go to Home screen on your iPhone X, here’s how to return to Home screen using your new best friend: gestures.
How to Limit Ad Tracking in Apple Apps on iPhone
By Leanne Hays
Do you find it totally creepy when an ad pops up on your iPhone for just exactly the sort of thing you’d like to purchase? Does it seem like your phone has just a little too much inside information about your preferences, and you’d like to establish some boundaries between yourself and the wide world of capitalism? If so, it’s time for you to learn how to limit ad tracking in Apple Apps on your iPhone.
Qi? What is Qi? And how do you even pronounce that? Turns out, Qi (pronounced chee, as in cheese) is a Chinese word and concept that refers to air, life force, and energy flow. It makes total sense to use this term when referring to inductive chargers, which restore life to your iPhone's battery without the use of cables. Let's learn more about magnetic charging with Qi stations and how Qi wireless charging works with the iPhone X, 8 Plus, and 8. We'll discuss Qi charging pads, Qi compatible iPhone cases, and the benefits of using a wireless charger for your Apple devices versus a standard Lightning cable charger. So let's get started talking about Qi, the life source for your iPhone!