Sometimes Do Not Disturb will still let messages and calls through in certain circumstances depending on your Do Not Disturb settings. Want to use your phone without receiving ANY notifications and calls? Here's the best way to set Do Not Disturb so your phone won't go off for any reason. I use it for when I'm listening to podcasts or just trying to get some work done.
App Saturday: Grubhub
By Hallei Halter
Looking up your choices for "Food delivery near me" and not happy with the results? You can place a takeout order on Grubhub for restaurants (even those that don't offer delivery) and a driver will pick up your order and deliver it to your address. Grubhub orders can also be placed for pickup, but the real advantage of Grubhub is having the menus and pricing of local restaurants all on one app.
App Saturday: Lyft
By Hallei Halter
On vacation or a business trip and hate trying to maneuver your way around unfamiliar territory? Lyft is a rideshare app that employs local people as an alternative to conventional taxis, and provides discounts for cheap fares. To save time and hassle, Lyft can get you to your destination with just a few taps.
App Saturday: GoodRx
By Hallei Halter
Seeing the price of a medication at the register can cause a sudden case of sticker shock. GoodRx is an app that compares prescription prices between pharmacies and provides manufacturer prescription coupons. GoodRx can be used by anyone with or without insurance, including Medicaid, to help save money.
How to Move a Screenshot off the Screen of Your iPhone X & Later
By Hallei Halter
I have an iPhone XR, and when I take a screenshot, it shows as a small icon in the corner of my screen and stays there for a long time unless I do something to get rid of it or I tap on it to mark it up. Here's how to move a screenshot off the screen of an iPhone X or later.
We've already gone over how to sign up for Instagram on your iPhone, how to create a second Instagram account, and even how to deactivate your Instagram account if you need a break, but there's one more thing we need to go over. A major frustration for Instagram users has been the inability to download Instagram on their iPads. After all, it would be great to edit photos or watch a video on a larger screen, to switch back and forth between watching a movie on the iPad and checking Instagram notifications, and to just have another option for using the app. In the past, you needed to use workarounds to download and install Instagram on your tablet, but now there's an official iPad version of Instagram. Unfortunately, the official version is tiny; it doesn't fill the iPad screen and leaves a large, black frame around the app. Don't worry, though, we'll go over a trick you can use to get fullscreen Instagram on your iPad
App Saturday: Google Chrome
By Hallei Halter
Considering options for a web browsing alternative to Safari on your iPhone or iPad? Google Chrome is a fast web browser app that can quickly load pages and has loads of features you can easily learn to take advantage of. With so much to offer, here's why Google Chrome is one of our top choices.
App Saturday: Bumble
By Hallei Halter
If you've just moved into a new area or want to get outside of your normal social circles, Bumble can help. Bumble aims to connect people on romantic, professional, or platonic levels by letting users upload photos and bios to announce what they're looking for. With a growing user base and the ability to switch between different sections depending on your goals, Bumble could be the one-stop app for friends, dates, and career contacts.
How to Use Your Apple Watch as a Walkie-Talkie
By Hallei Halter
I didn't use walkie-talkies much as a kid, but now with this feature on Apple Watch I can indulge in a slightly more futuristic way. Here's a general overview on how to use Walkie-Talkie on Apple Watch. To use Walkie-Talkie, you'll need Apple Watch series 1 or later updated to watchOS 5.
Restricted! iPhone & iPad Parental Control with iOS 12
By Leanne Hays
This will sound strange coming from someone who works for a tech publication, but I’ve been so worried about buying my daughter a cellphone that I’ve put it off until she was literally the last kid in her grade without one. What have I been worried about? Everything from the more minor things like screen addiction and gigantic data overages, to larger, 60 Minutes-level fears of her getting cyberbullied or meeting an online predator. Now, though, she’s almost 14 and will be in high school next year. I’ve come to the realization that it’s part of my job as a parent to ease my teenager into the technology that’s an everyday part of all our lives, rather than keeping her from it so she has to acclimate herself all at once when she’s old enough to purchase her own smartphone.
App Saturday: YouTube
By Hallei Halter
I used to only watch YouTube when I wanted to do something specific, like looking up a how-to video or watching from a link someone sent me. With so many videos and not so very strict categories, I found it hard to find something I liked right off the bat when just browsing the app. But after liking some videos and subscribing to a couple channels, I began to better navigate YouTube's sea of videos. Now I can browse YouTube and enjoy videos relevant to what I like or branch out to discover new interests.
App Saturday: Instagram
By Hallei Halter
Instagram may be one of the most well-known social media apps. Also called Insta, and gaining popularity with its Instagram Stories feature, it's one way to get a peek at people, businesses, and events. You can post a photo, add a caption, and throw in some hashtags to participate in the community, or just use it to browse accounts you like. Instagram can be used for as much or as little as you want.
We use the internet for just about everything; shopping, banking, communicating with friends and family, and storing music, photos, and videos. It's vital to safeguard all the personal data associated with these services with a different, strong password for each account. A password manager can help you generate and keep each password safe. There are lots of reputable, free password keepers to choose from, including 1Password, True Key, and LastPass. We'll go over the features of these apps so you can choose the best option for your needs. We'll also cover how to install a password app, and how to use it once you have. Let's get started.
College football fans watch their favorite teams all season long in the hopes they'll make it to one of the dozens of bowl games in December and January. NCAA football fans enjoy three final games before the end of the NCAA football season ends with the CFP Final. This year college ball fans can look forward to the Clemson Tigers facing off against the Alabama Crimson Tide, and you can watch the ESPN live stream, without cable, on Apple TV. Let's go through your different options for streaming the College Football Playoff National Championship on Apple TV. We'll discuss how to watch NCAA games on your Apple TV through a variety of methods including streaming TV options, and even packages and perks offered by your cell phone provider. Let's get started learning how to watch college football on your Apple TV ahead of the big game!
Parental Controls: How to Block Websites & Apps, Limit Screen Time on the iPhone & iPad
By Leanne Hays
If you're worried that your child is spending too much time on their iPhone or iPad, and may even have a screen addiction, Apple's new operating system, iOS 12, is here to help. With iOS 12, parental restrictions are easy to put in place, and you can limit not only the total amount of time spent on a device but also set restrictions for individual apps, as well as content and privacy. Let's get started learning how to set up Screen Time restrictions for a child or teenager on iPhone or iPad.
App Saturday: Peloton Digital
By Hallei Halter
Having trouble making it to the gym on time? Peloton Digital is an exercise app that provides workout routines for beginners or any level no matter where they are. Created by the same company that sells the Peloton bikes, you don't have to use their exercise equipment to use this app. Think of it as mobile workout classes, you can select a variety of exercise classes for one person or routines for workout partners. Every class is either live or recorded in an actual studio, so even if you're working out at home you can still feel like you're part of a group.
App Saturday: Two Dots
By Hallei Halter
Playing Two Dots seems simple enough: connect enough same-colored dots in the allotted turns to advance levels. However, the more you play the more it becomes clear that Two Dots is a thought-provoking strategy game with unrelenting charm. With visuals that strike the balance of cozy and quirky, an amazing soundtrack, and gameplay that keeps players coming back for more, Two Dots is worth checking out.
There’s no doubt that kids absolutely love to play games on iPhones and iPads. But not all games are created for younger children, and you may prefer they don’t play those games. Luckily, you can set restrictions on your child’s iPhone or iPad. This will give you a little more control over the content your child consumes in the age of information. Here’s how to set Game Center restrictions on your child’s iPad or iPhone.
App Saturday: IMDb
By Hallei Halter
With all the movies and TV series coming out, it can be hard to keep track of what you might be interested in watching. IMDb is a source for discovering new and old movies and shows, current show times, ans if you're able to stream a show on Amazon. IMDb is great for any casual viewer or film buff, as the app also provides behind the scenes content and additional information about cast and crew, while recommending other titles you may enjoy.
How to Widen the Display in Your iPhone's Daily Calendar
By Hallei Halter
I like adding events and to-do list items for certain days in my iPhone Calendar app. Here's how to widen the daily Calendar display to make it easier to read and to display any additional information included with the event. I usually do this in the morning since reading densely packed words before I've had coffee is nearly impossible.