The Apple Calendar app for your iPhone and iPad is one of the best free calendar apps available, and has many features you might not be fully utilizing. Did you know that the Calendar app has a hidden list view that allows you to see your daily events while in the month view? We've already shown you how to see the weekly view in your Calendar app, and how to get directions from the Calendar app. Now, here’s how to save time and switch to the list view in the Calendar app in two quick steps.
Productivity & Business
How to Share a Folder from the Notes App on Your iPhone
By Leanne Hays
The folder-sharing feature available starting with iOS 13 is a great collaboration tool for those who've long enjoyed the convenience of the Notes app, as well as those using it for the first time. We've already covered how to move a note into a folder in the Notes app, so now let's go over how to invite one or more people to a shared Notes folder on your iPhone or iPad.
How to Change Your Default Gmail Account
By Tamlin Day
Want to change the default Gmail account in the Mail app? To change the email on an iPhone from one default to another, you have to go into the Settings app. You can make a Google account the default email address, but if you have more than one Gmail account, this tip will teach you how to select a specific Gmail address. Choosing your preferred email address helps your contacts know that the email you just sent really did come from you and could save you from getting filed as junk. Read on to learn how to change the default email on an iPhone to a Gmail account.
How to Unzip Files on the iPhone in the Files App
By Tamlin Day
f you want to know how to unzip files on the iPhone or iPad, you can extract that zip file straight from the Files app! This is great news, since in the past unzipping a file on the iPhone required third party software. Now, you can unzip files and view them inside the Files app! Let’s dive in with how to extract a zip file on the iPhone.
In every issue of iPhone Life magazine, we feature the iPhone Home screens of people from different walks of life, so our readers can see how they use iPhone apps to meet a variety of needs. In our Spring 2020 issue, we featured fashion designer and blogger Louisa Moje, who uses her iPhone apps for photo editing, social media posting, meal planning, personal finance, and more. If you have a story and apps you'd like to suggest, email Tamlin Day, and we may feature you in an upcoming issue of the magazine!
How to Group Related Lists in the Reminders App
By Tamlin Day
In iOS 13, Reminders lets you group related lists of reminders on the iPhone. When you create a group in Reminders, you can bring together related lists under one folder. This tip will help you set up groups and get your reminders organized. You can even use this method to add groups in Reminders on your iPad! Read on to learn how to use the updated iOS 13 Reminders app to set up groups of lists on the iPhone.
Smart Notebook Review: Rocketbook Everlast
By Chosie Titus
The Rocketbook Everlast notebook is a smart notebook that's conventional in look and feel, but is built for the digital age. The Everlast makes it easy to digitize and organize all your notes in an instant. Writing is the same as with any other notebook—with one main exception. Adding a bit of water erases all your notes so you can start from scratch, making it 100 percent reusable (yay for the environment).
How to Draw & Sketch in the Notes App on Your iPhone or iPad
By Conner Carey
The Notes app is your handy iPad and iPhone notepad and sketchpad. If you're looking for a drawing app for the iPad, look no further than the built in Notes. You can simply draw right on the note as though it were the paper. Here’s how to add inline drawings to Notes on iPhone.
How to Quickly Create a New Checklist in Notes with 3D Touch
By Conner Carey
iPhones with 3D Touch are able to jump directly into specific places within apps by 3D Touching an app’s icon. Most Apple stock apps have Quick Actions, such as the Notes app. When you 3D Touch the Note app icon, it will show your most recent note and give you four options for Quick Actions: New Note, New Checklist, New Photo, and New Sketch. We’ll go over how to use 3D Touch to quickly create a new checklist in Notes on iPhone.
With the Files app, you can use your iPhone to view notes, images, documents, and files that you've saved from your computer or iPad to iCloud and other storage services like Dropbox and Google Drive. To view saved items using the Files app, you'll need to go to your Apple ID in the Settings app and enable iCloud Drive. Let's get started with how to use the Files app to access documents saved to iCloud Drive.
How to Change the Paper Style in Notes on the iPhone
By Conner Carey
When you want lines to draw within or a grid to help you stay on track, you can choose a one-time paper style or set up a default paper style to automatically appear in your Notes. To change the style of paper to a lined or grid pattern in the Notes app, tap on the export icon and select Lines & Grids to open the style sheet. When you type, the paper style disappears in that part of the tip; but for drawing by hand in the Notes app, choosing the paper style can make a big difference. Here’s how to change the paper style in Notes on the iPhone.
Best Job Search Apps to Build Your Career
By Anjerika Wilmer
Are you ready to change jobs or looking for the next rung on your career ladder? Peruse our list of free job search apps to find the best way to make your move. Whether you're just starting out in the job market or a seasoned professional, looking for temp, freelance, or a full-time gig, we've got you covered.
8 Best Habit Setting & Goal Tracker Apps for Your iPhone
By Hallei Halter
Do you have new habits you would like to create, but don’t know how to begin? Feel like you start working toward a new goal only to find that you can’t quite keep it going or reach a finishing point? Here are our picks for the best apps that can help anyone with forming and tracking a habit or setting and completing a goal.
Tips for Drawing with an Apple Pencil
By Hallei Halter
The Apple Pencil is seen by many iPad users as a stylus (much to Jony Ive's annoyance), but its main use is as a tool for markups and creative projects in apps like Procreate or something more simple like Notes. Here are some quick tips for drawing with the Apple Pencil including adjusting opacity and line thickness, shading with the side of the Pencil's nib, erasing, and using the Apple Pencil 2's double tap feature to switch between tools. While there is some overlap with the basics functions of both a regular pencil and an Apple Pencil, you'll find the Apple Pencil has potential to unlock a digital flood of creative possibilties and may help with an artist block or two.
How to Create a New Folder in the iPhone Files App
By Hallei Halter
If you want to get a better handle on file organization on your iPhone, the Files app can really help. Here's how to make a folder in the Files app. You'll have to have iOS 11 or later, and have set up and enabled iCloud Drive on your iPhone. You'll only be able to create a folder within the iCloud Drive category in the Files app. The On My iPhone category only stores files from apps that are downloaded to your device and can't be manually changed.
Best Apps: Meetup
By Hallei Halter
Feel like you need to leave the house or want to squeeze in a small outing on your business trip? If you're wondering how to meet people or find local events, the Meetup app is your answer. With its array of groups and events created by people local to the area, Meetup could show you something you've never seen before, even in your own hometown.
How to Change the Default Reminder Time in Calendar
By Paula Bostrom
The Calendar app is incredibly convenient for keeping track of appointments, events, and even birthdays. It’s also a great tool for helping you remember those appointments, events, and birthdays. I am extremely forgetful, so once I enter something into my Calendar I usually add an alert to help me remember it. Different people may need to set different reminder intervals for events. That’s why Apple made it easy to change the setting for when the Calendar will alert you for an event.
How to Use One-Handed Zoom in Apple Maps on Your iPhone
By Conner Carey
Did you know you can zoom in and out using just your thumb in the Apple Maps app? Before iOS 11 you needed two fingers, which meant you generally also needed two hands—one to hold the phone and another to zoom. But now using Apple Maps is easier than ever before on your iPhone; you can hold your phone in one hand and use just one finger or your thumb to zoom in and out of maps in the Maps app. Here’s how.
How to Turn Off Breathe Reminders on Apple Watch with WatchOS 3
By Conner Carey
With the introduction of WatchOS 3 came Breathe, a feature on Apple Watch that’s similar to Stand in that it reminds you to breathe throughout the day. Obviously we don’t need to be reminded to breathe, but the feature is about putting your focus on your breath, stopping everything else you’re doing, and taking a minute (or more) to practice a little mindfulness using breath as the centering point. On days I’m stressed, I appreciate the reminders. But most of the time, I dismiss it. If you’d rather not receive reminders to breathe throughout your day, here’s how to turn off Breathe reminders on Apple Watch with WatchOS 3.
How to Change Your Voicemail Message on iPhone
By Sarah Kingsbury
Need iPad and iPhone help? Sign up for iPhone Life Insider and Sarah will help you with all your iPhone troubleshooting and iOS-related issues. To learn more go to In this Hey Sarah column, one Insider wants to know how to change the default greeting on their iPhone's voicemail. Other questions include how to view more than the current month on Apple Watch and how to sort notes in the Notes app alphabetically.