Which iPhone 14 Should You Buy?

Find out what each of the 2022 iPhones have to offer. In the 190th episode, David and Donna break down the iPhone 14 line and share their biggest takeaways. Learn what made David switch to the 6.7-inch Max after years of being a skeptic! To see the full show notes for the episode, visit iPhoneLife.com/Podcast.
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Question of the week:
Which iPhone 14, if any, are you planning to buy, and why? Let us know at podcast@iphonelife.com.
Articles referred to in this episode:
Apple Announces iPhone 14 & iPhone 14 Plus: Here's What's New
Apple Watch Goes Far Out with Ultra, Stays Grounded with the SE & Series 8
Apple Announces AirPods Pro 2: Here’s the Scoop on What’s New
Apps with iOS 16 Lock Screens referred to in this episode:
Useful links:

Donna Schill
Donna Schill is the Editor in Chief at iPhone Life, where she oversees all multimedia content production for iPhone Life Insider, the premium educational platform for Apple enthusiasts and lifelong learners. After earning her master's degree from the University of Iowa School of Journalism & Mass Communication, Donna joined iPhone Life in 2012, where she has produced dozens of magazine issues, co-hosted hundreds of podcast episodes, and taught over 20 live online courses. When not glued to her iPhone 15 Pro Max, Donna can be found traveling, writing and podcasting (theneedle.co), or hiking the Iowa prairie where she lives with her partner and their German shepherd, Fox.