Tip of the Day: Siri Is Better with Numbers than Your iPhone's Calculator

The utility I use the most on my iPhone is the calculator. I use it often to reconcile my checkbook, calculate discounts in the store, and more. but when I use the iPhone's calculator to add up a list of numbers, it doesn't offer a record of what I input, so I don't know if I made an error tapping numbers in.
Enter Siri..... I can activate her and say "85 plus 25.5 plus 941.12 plus 6 plus 168.96," and she will go to Wolfram Alpha for the answer. The bonus is Siri shows a record of what l said, so I can check it. And if I made a mistake, all I do is press tap to edit (under the formula) and correct it and it calculates again. I don't have to do it all over again like I would in Calculator. Very slick!
[Updated to add: Unfortunately, this tip will only work in English, since Wolfram Alpha is not capable of understanding any other languages yet.]
Top image credit: Sergey Nivens/Shutterstock.com

Steve Overton
Steve Overton has been working with and providing tech support for realtors for more than 20 years. He was a Dale Carnegie Instructor in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont for 10 years. During that time, he bought his first handheld device — an Apple Newton — and hasn't looked back since.
Currently a realtor in Vermont at KW Vermont, Steve owns four Macintosh computers, as well as an iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. He is happily married and lives on 25 acres with his wife of 16 years.