Lost and Found Survey Shows Need for Bluetooth Trackers

The folks at Pixie have done a lot of research into lost devices, in preparation of the company's launch of the Pixie Bluetooth tracker and app. The results of that research have been condensed into an interesting infographic, below. Here are some of their findings:
Related: How to Find Your iPhone Even If It’s Dead
- The most common lost items (in order of frequency) are: TV remotes, phones, car keys, glasses, shoes, and wallets/purses.
- Twice a week, nearly a quarter of Americans misplace their house or car keys and more than half say that misplaced items regularly cause them to be late to work or school.
- Multitasking is the most cited cause for misplacing items, with almost half of Americans saying trying to juggle more than one task leads to them forgetting where they placed a valuable.
- 63 percent of people admit to blaming others when they can’t find items.
Pixie has an interesting approach to Bluetooth trackers. By embracing Augmented Reality, the same technology behind Pokemon Go, Pixie almost makes it fun to lose, and find, your gadgets, using "Pixie dust!" The company even has an iPhone case that integrates with a Pixie so you can find your phone, which is the second most misplaced device. I'm looking forward to doing a formal review; but for now, take a look at these attractive gadgets and their companion app, and that infographic. Now I need to go find my remote!

Todd Bernhard
Todd Bernhard is a bestselling (6+ million downloads) award-winning (AARP, About.com, BestAppEver.com, Digital Hollywood, and Verizon) developer and founder of NoTie.NET, an app developer specializing in Talking Ringtone apps including AutoRingtone. And his profile photo is of the last known sighting of Mr. Bernhard wearing a tie, circa 2007!
An iPhone is almost always attached to his hip or in his pocket, but over the years, Mr. Bernhard has owned an Apple Newton, a Motorola Marco, an HP 95LX, a Compaq iPaq, a Palm Treo, and a Nokia e62. In addition to writing for iPhone Life, Mr. Bernhard has written for its sister publications, PocketPC Magazine and The HP Palmtop Paper.