How to Leave a Video Voicemail on FaceTime

With 10-plus years of experience with Apple devices, Rachel specializes in all things iPad and is a Notes app expert. Find her writing in the Daily Tip newsletter and iPhone Life magazine.
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With 10-plus years of experience with Apple devices, Rachel specializes in all things iPad and is a Notes app expert. Find her writing in the Daily Tip newsletter and iPhone Life magazine.
Learn MoreiOS 17 brought some cool new features to the FaceTime app that users have been asking for for a long time. One of those features is FaceTime's new video voicemail option. The way it works is that when the person you're FaceTiming misses or declines your call, you can leave a video message that they will receive in the FaceTime app. Here's how!
Why You'll Love This Tip:
- If a person doesn't pick up a FaceTime call, you can leave them a voicemail in the form of a short video message.
- Avoid missing important moments when you can't answer a FaceTime call, and ensure your friends and family don't miss out either!
How to Leave a FaceTime Video Message Voicemail
System Requirements
This tip works on iPhones running iOS 17 or later. Find out how to update to iOS 17.
Before you get started, it's important to note that all parties involved in the FaceTime call must be updated to iOS 17 to send and receive FaceTime video voicemails. If you like keeping up to date with Apple's latest software updates, be sure to sign up for our free Tip of the Day!
- On your iPhone, open FaceTime and begin a video call.
- A menu screen will come up when your call is declined or missed. Tap Record Video.
- There will be a brief countdown before you will start recording.
- When you are finished recording your message, tap the stop button.
- Now, you have the option to Retake the video.
- You can also replay it by tapping the Play button.
- Additionally, you can save your own video to your camera roll by tapping Save.
- When you're happy with your message, tap the Send button.
- Your contact will be able to find the video voicemail in the FaceTime app under your missed call.
And that's how to use FaceTime's new video voicemail feature!