App Saturday: Inquire-Wikipedia Around You

Feel like nothing's ever happened in your hometown? Wish you could find somewhere more special to visit than Ye Olde Tourist Trap? If you're interested in local history or are wanting to find unique vacation spots, the Inquire app's easy and efficient search results can help.
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Inquire-Wikipedia Around You (0.99)
What It Does
Inquire uses your location to show what in your area has its own Wikipedia page. You could learn a house you walk by every day was owned by a state senator in the 1930s or read a list of famous people who once lived in your town. The Search feature is good for exploring anywhere in the world, just type a location and read what Wikipedia has to say about it.
Wikipedia Browsing
Since Inquire is linked to Wikipedia, your searches don't have to be strictly locations. The Popular feature shows the most-read Wikipedia articles of the present day or month. You can bookmark articles that you like within the app and share them across platforms.
Why We Love It
The Inquire app is great for finding new-to-you places or things to check out. The Explore feature can show places outside of your location but still close by. If you're wanting to find points of interest that won't be swarmed with tourists, Inquire provides a quick informational list that can make any trip that much more memorable. So get inspired to take a day trip to a nearby ghost town or check out an impressive art monument that you didn't know about.
Inquire-Wikipedia Around You is sure to (pleasantly) surprise you.

Hallei Halter
Hallei is a 2018 graduate of Maharishi University of Management with a BFA in Creative & Professional Writing. She's currently working on a novel about people using witchcraft to clean their houses.