Wordflex Oxford Dictionary Now Free!

The Wordflex Touch Dictionary (free) is the most beautifully rendered touch-based reference technology you will hold in your hand. I only barely exaggerate how amazing it is to use. The last thing I want to do when researching a topic or looking for word substitutes (like the word "amazing"—I so overuse that word) is have to crack open an actual dictionary or thesaurus. It's both boring and silly in 2015. Why not watch the English language and it's various phylum unfold in graceful symmetry on the iPad screen!? The new version is now available without the need to spend one's shekels to attain it. Witness the beauty after the break!
You can see our previous review here, and get a load of this astonishing app in action below. You will appreciate the smaller device footprint. I was always having to delete Wordflex from my iPad because of its size and the number of apps I install constantly for reviews, so I especially appreciate they were able to compress the content more efficiently.
More great features:
• Updated dictionary content with new language features. • All new iOS 8 user interface. • Poster sharing in high-resolution for large scale print. • Significantly better performance and faster interaction. • Smooth state preservation. • Better product guidance and easier navigation. • A 20 percent reduction in application size, yet increased content thanks to smarter data compression. • Carefully implemented accessibility (according to many reviews on the web Wordflex is very popular in educational sector and among audiences with various disabilities / difficulties).
Not only is the new version now freemium, but the full version can be unlocked for only $4.99 (It used to be a whopping $24.99). What I find so effective about this dictionary is that is presents word connections and forms in a manner similar to the way our human brains link related content, and therefore makes it easier to remember stuff you previously called up. If I look up a word in a standard thesaurus or dictionary, I am sure to be looking it up again a day or two later.
The Verdict
Since we wrote an extensive review on the original app, I kept this to a mini review. I tested the new Wordflex version on my older iPad mini and had no issues at all with it. It worked flawlessly, still gets major kudos and is definitely a 4.5 out of 5 star app! However, the app can be a bit more time-consuming to use than more conventional online dictionary apps due to the presentation modes. I am loathe to suggest it, but maybe a non-tree view could be added as an option for those who wish to get to content a bit faster (or maybe we can just use Siri?) Either way, this is a must have for your iPad!

Nate Adcock
Nate Adcock is a system and integration engineer with experience managing and administering a variety of computing environments. He has worked extensively with mobile gadgets of all shapes and sizes for many years. He is also a former military weather forecaster. Nate is a regular contributor for the iphonelife.com and smartphonemag.com blogs and helps manage both websites. Read more from Nate at natestera.tumblr.com or e-mail him at nate@iphonelife.com.