iPhone 7 Rumors & The Uproar Over Headphone Jacks

Rumor of Apple doing away with the headphone jack in favor of a thinner iPhone 7 has caught the Internet on fire. Apple devices have had some wild, unfounded rumors in the past, but this one seems likely as our smartphones continue to flatten like pancakes. Plus, as mentioned in our previous iPhone 7 rumors post, Apple filed a patent for a D-shaped headphone jack. But the rumors have spun out of control and I hear talk of a single lightning connector for dual purpose, charging and headphones. So what is Apple really up to?
Japanese blogger Mac Otakara is the source who’s started the most recent iPhone user meltdown. A quick Google search for the change and the headlines nearly read doomsday, but is it really that surprising? I mean, we are talking about the company started by Steve Jobs’ afterall. Jobs loved closed circuit everything. I’m pretty sure he’s smiling at the very thought of us all buying new headphones and lightning port adapters.
Granted, many people use Bluetooth headphones now-a-days and as that trend continues to expand, a change in headphone jacks will affect fewer and fewer users. Personally, I don’t feel the iPhone needs to be any slimmer. The current iPhone 6s is 7.1mm thick; the rumored iPhone 7 would shave off significantly more and be no thicker than 6.5mm. Which is why the 3.5 mm headphone jack is officially too round.
While I’m not surprised by Apple’s willingness to ditch a 60-year-old innovation, I’m also not convinced the company is silly enough to combine the lightning and headphone jack port. I’m sticking to the patent rumor in hopes of a D-shaped jack. Whichever the case, the Internet can calm down now.
Other iPhone 7 rumors include the absence of a Home button, a wrap-around screen, and a waterproof device.
Top Image Credit: Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock.com

Conner Carey
Conner Carey's writing can be found at conpoet.com. She is currently writing a book, creating lots of content, and writing poetry via @conpoet on Instagram. She lives in an RV full-time with her mom, Jan and dog, Jodi as they slow-travel around the country.