How to Download Apps in Messages with iOS 10 on iPhone

With iOS 10, the Messages app got its own App Store. This will allow you download apps within the Messages app that can be used in conjunction with it. For example, you can download Giphy and share your favorite gifs without needing a gif keyboard. You can also use Messages apps to buy and send stickers, share recipes, share weather forecasts, share flight information and maps, make dinner reservations, and more. It’s a whole new Messages world. Here’s how to download apps in Messages.
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To download an App from the Message App Store:
Open the Messages app. Start a new conversation or continue a thread.
Tap the arrow next to the text box to expand the menu. Tap the App Store icon.
This opens the apps you currently have. To open the Messages App Store, tap the four circles in the bottom left corner.
Tap Store.
Find an app you want to download in either the Featured section or from one of the Categories.
Tap Get or the price (ex. $0.99).
Tap Install or Buy.
Enter your Apple ID password.
The app will be added to your Message apps. Depending on what you download, the app the accompanies it will download from the main iPhone App Store as well.
To remove an app from your Messages:
Tap Manage from the top of the Messages App store.
Under All, toggle off the apps you want to remove.
If the Message app you’re removing had an accompanying app, simply deleting that app as you would any other will remove the app from your Message apps entirely.
Top Image Credit: sergey causelove / Shutterstock

Conner Carey
Conner Carey's writing can be found at She is currently writing a book, creating lots of content, and writing poetry via @conpoet on Instagram. She lives in an RV full-time with her mom, Jan and dog, Jodi as they slow-travel around the country.