So maybe you love group messages, maybe you hate them. Either way, the new iOS8 update came with ways to customize your group message experience.
Tip of the Day: How to Create Photo Collages
By Rheanne Taylor
Once I return home from a trip and I can finally relax, I love looking through my collection of pictures and sharing them on Facebook and Instagram. Unfortunately, if you’re like me, you tend to take a lot of pictures, which can be both good and bad.
Tip of the Day: How to Rearrange Buttons in the Music App (Instead of Tapping More All the Time)
By Becca Ludlum
I’m a pretty patient person, but when it comes to Music, I want to be able to switch playlists and songs quickly. I’m usually working out or driving while I listen to music, and I need to be able to quickly change what I’m listening to at a stoplight or in between sets. That's why it's a good idea to customize the bottom toolbar in the Music app to show what you use most, instead of having to click More for the extended menu.
Everyone likes movies. And no one likes wasting time on the lousy ones. So no doubt you check out the reviews to see what people are saying about it. Siri can help. Siri will not only let you find out what's playing at local theaters and play the trailer, but will also tell you how a movie is rated.
Tip of the Day: How to Respond to Interactive Notifications
By Abbey Dufoe
Some notifications on iOS 8 have become interactive! With most, you can swipe left and delete unwanted notifications in seconds, but they don’t delete from the app (so you can go back later and check them out). Here’s how:
Tip of the Day: How to Add a Comment in Pinterest
By Becca Ludlum
There are several reasons why you might want to edit a pin description. Maybe you'd like to add your comments about a recipe, mention another way to do a step in the DIY project that you found easier, or even just make a note for yourself that you have already tried that pin. The reasons are plentiful. Here's how to edit a pin description in Pinterest.
I love Instagram because of it's fun visual nature. I can scroll through my friend's pictures, quickly double-tap to like, and even leave a comment if I want to. What I don't love about Instagram is how easy it is to accidentally add location information (longitude and latitude of the device you're posting from) to your photos, which can be dangerous—especially for teens who are using the social media network. Here's how to remove your location from Instagram photos.
Tip of the Day: Spotlight in iOS 8 Offers Movie Info, Web Search, Wikipedia, Maps, and More
By Jim Karpen
Spotlight has long been a great feature of iOS, and is especially useful at helping you find apps that are buried away in a folder on your device. Since iOS 7 you invoke this handy search tool by simply swiping down on any home screen. (But keep in mind that if you swipe down from the very top of the display you'll get Notification Center instead.) In iOS 8, introduced last fall, Apple greatly expanded what Spotlight can do. In addition to finding apps and text strings in apps such as Mail and Notes, it also now searches the web, searches Wikipedia, finds related apps in the App Store, finds related movies, and even brings up results in Maps if you search on a location.
We recently showed you how to create events and send invites with the Calendar app, but what do you do when you're on the receiving end of those invites?
Tip of the Day: Answer Your iPhone Hands Free
By Sarah Kingsbury
There are several hands-free ways you can answer a ringing iPhone while your hands are covered by bulky, hard-to-remove gloves. You could start by wearing touchscreen-sensitive gloves. Or using a stylus. Or plugging in a pair of headphones. But what if your gloves were chosen not for their touchscreen compatibility but for their ability to keep your hands warm while the polar vortex is in town? What if you don't have a stylus or a pair of headphones quickly accessible in your winter gear and you really want to take that incoming call? There's a simple solution; just be prepared for some funny looks.
Tip of the Day: Close a Book in iBooks by Pinching the Page
By Abbey Dufoe
Nobody likes to think of herself as lazy, but everybody loves those iPhone tips that let them save a few microseconds or use one less tap or swipe. Here's one more to add to your arsenal. Apple Books is one of many great reading apps. If you use Apple’s iBooks, there are two easy ways to close a book. First, tap the book to open.
Tip of the Day: Never Forget to Return a Call
By Sarah Kingsbury
Have you ever rejected a call from a person whom you wanted to speak with because you were driving or in a meeting, or it was an otherwise inconvenient time? Did you truly, honestly intend to return that call, only to forget? Here's how to make sure that never happens again.
Tip of the Day: How to Assign Photos to Contacts
By Sarah Kingsbury
Sometimes it's handy to see a face or other image pop up on your iPhone's screen along with the name of your caller. If you like having a photo associated with each of your contacts, it's easy to do.
Tip of the Day: How to Share Your Shopping List Using iCloud
By Sarah Kingsbury
Thanks to iCloud, you can create things like shopping lists or to-do lists in Reminders at home on your iPad and then access and edit those lists on your iPhone while you're out running errands or shopping. But what if you want someone else to have a copy of the list on his or her device and you don't want to use the Family Sharing Reminders list or that person's not part of your Family? Here's how you can share your shopping list with another person using iCloud.
Tip of the Day: How to Use iOS 8's Manual Exposure in Camera
By Rheanne Taylor
Automatic exposure (which determines how light or dark our images should be) is so convenient and accurate most of the time, but then there are those times when we end up with overexposed or underexposed images that make us cringe. After all, our cameras are pretty advanced, but it's still impossible for them to recognize when we want our focal point darker (such when shooting silhouettes) or lighter.
Legend App: Make Beautiful Gifs and Videos in Seconds
By Abbey Dufoe
If you're the friend who likes to share inspirational quotes, then the iOS app Legend ( $1.99) is for you. I was able to test out the app before it launched on the App Store today, and I love it!
Trip Guider: Complete Travel Experience in Your Pocket
By Steve Young
Travel guides are one of the things that you should not leave home without when traveling. Thankfully, you no longer have to whip out book guides or large maps and make it obvious that you are lost or a tourist, as everything a you needs can now fit in your pockets.
How to Get Directions from Siri Without Using iOS Maps
By Steve Overton
There is a commonly held belief that men don't like to ask for directions. As a guy, I am here to say it's true. At least for me. With Siri, I can ask for directions without anyone knowing.
Swift Programming 101: Mastering Dynamic Type in iOS 8
By Kevin McNeish
Apple has announced they expect third party apps to support Dynamic Type. However, if you have tried to implement it in your apps, you know there are some unexpected land mines along the way (such as static table view cells and custom cell styles). In this article, you will learn how Dynamic Type works under the hood and how to get it working properly in a variety of scenarios. You will also get some Swift code that makes it easier to implement Dynamic Type in your apps.
Review: Outline+ app for iPad (and Mac)
By Abbey Dufoe
One reason why I haven't moved completely to online note taking on my iPad is because note-taking apps don't allow me to be creative. For some of us, doodling helps. Writing in the margins helps. Coloring said doodles helps.