How to Turn off Siri's Voice So It's Text Only on iPhone

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By Jim Karpen
May 27, 2021

There may be occasions when it's not convenient to have Siri speaking to you, especially if you're in a meeting and don't want to attract attention. I've noticed that if I ask Siri something, the sound of my voice doesn't attract attention, but as soon as Siri speaks, people look up. If you're in a situation where you'd like Siri to be quiet but still functional, you can enable a setting so that Siri replies only with text. Here’s how to turn off Siri’s voice so it’s text only on iPhone.

Related: Siri Tips & Tricks: 21 Useful Things You Can Ask Siri

How to Turn off Siri's Voice So It's Text Only on iPhone

  • Open Settings.

  • Select Siri & Search.

  • Tap on Voice Feedback.

  • Select Hands-free Only.

Now when you ask Siri something, you'll get the same response as always, but only as text — and without Siri's voice. However, if you invoke Siri by saying "Hey Siri" (referred to as "Hands-free mode") instead of double-pressing the Home button, then Siri will still respond by speaking.

*Note that this tip has been updated for iOS 11

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Jim Karpen

Jim Karpen holds a Ph.D. in literature and writing, and has a love of gizmos. His doctoral dissertation focused on the revolutionary consequences of digital technologies and anticipated some of the developments taking place in the industry today. Jim has been writing about the Internet and technology since 1994 and has been using Apple's visionary products for decades.

Learn about Jim

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